
Using Paper 53 for Illustrations

I have been using Paper 53 now for my illustrations for a couple of years now. I find that although I love the natural look of pen-to-paper calligraphy styles that are then digitalized, Paper 53 gives me a smooth edge to my pen stroke that corrects my handwriting’s natural kinks and broken chain links between letters, and my illustrations simply LOOK better than they used to on paper.

art Articles

An artistic interpretation of ‘Mrs Dalloway’

Everyone makes resolutions, every year- to be healthier, to swear less perhaps, not to eat past 7… All of these things are ambitious, to improve upon the years before of being you. In retrospect, the majority of these well-meaning resolutions are broken. Life gets in the way and spoils that idealistic white-slate image you have […]

art Articles Culture

The Cloud over Paris

   I know that there are so many possible posts and hashtags that could come with this, but sometimes there isn’t much you can say or summarize. The picture may mean different things to many people, but I hope it can reflect the sadness and anguish over the saddening things happening in this world. This […]